More special functions (not full list):
- control with keyboard, mouse, joystick, serial port (infra receiver)
- playlist handling, drive and directory scan
- useful playlist related functions (sort, tag-filter, on-screen editing)
- fast forward and rewind (seeking), between the songs too
- cross-fade songs in real time
- auto volume correction; dynamic limiter; surround, speed (freq) control, tone control (mp2,mp3,mpc only)
- LCD-display handling
- ID3 tag editor and list maker (list->id3tag, id3tag->list)
- Unicode (UTF-16, UTF-8) handling (APETagv2, ASF, ID3v2, Flac, M3U8, Ogg)
- LFN (long filenames) support under Windows and DOS too (with DOSLFNv0.40 or DOSLFNv0.33)
- bitstream I/O handling to cut audio streams without re-encoding (aac,ac3,dts,mp2,mp3 only)
- commander functions (file copy,move,del)
- AAC,FLAC,MP3,OGG,WavPack encoding with DLLs
- DSP and visual plugins with DLLs
Fuente : http://mpxplay.sourceforge.net/